Business of law

Legal practice is changing, especially for small and solo practice law firms. With the rapid improvements in...

We've all been looking forward to a post-pandemic world with a real summer. And statistics show that for most Americans...

Like all businesses, law firms experienced significant uncertainty and volatility throughout 2020. Year-end results and Q4 trends...

After a long and challenging year shaped by the coronavirus pandemic, there appears to be light at the end of the tunnel in the form of...

Every new client deserves the attention and focus of their attorney, but much of the intake process is administrative in nature. Over the years, many attorneys have learned that...

The so-called “paperless office” has been the talk of the legal field for several years now. In theory, this concept results in a fully digitized office that reduces waste...

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted American law firms in ways no other outbreak has. In addition to the added complications presented by remote hearings and court delays...

In many states across the country, COVID-19 has dramatically impacted the flow of litigation in state and federal courts. The pandemic might have slowed cases to a halt in some...

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