The IPE Blog
In many states across the country, COVID-19 has dramatically impacted the flow of litigation in state and federal courts. The pandemic might have slowed cases to a halt in some...
The goal of the Act is to make saving for retirement easier and more accessible. By simplifying the law and adding additional flexibility, there are many ways for individuals to...
Social media use by people of all ages has grown exponentially in recent years. In response, many law firms have established profiles on popular social networking sites...
As states begin phasing out or lifting stay-at-home orders across the nation, many employers are seeking guidance on what steps they need to take to safely and defensibly bring employees...
Here at IPE, we understand that learning doesn’t start and end with CLE courses . We are excited to launch this new platform to share timely legal news, practice tips...
Discrimination and Harassment in the workplace is unlawful. Employment decisions must be based on legitimate job-related criteria. It is inappropriate to act in a manner that reflects negatively on in
Have you ever been pulled aside at a family gathering by someone needing legal guidance and given your opinion? Have you ever forgotten to disclose in a phone call with...
In the family law practice, attorneys commonly encounter temporary orders hearings. These hearings put temporary orders in place for each party to follow until a final decree is entered. While...
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